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Grain Free Lemon Poppyseed Muffins

1/4 cup coconut flour
4 pastured, local eggs
1/4 cup local honey of choice
1/4 cup expeller pressed coconut oil or butter
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 TBL poppy seeds
1-3 TBL fresh lemon juice (adjust based on how lemony you want the muffins to taste)
Soften coconut oil or butter and blend all ingredients together in a bowl until smooth. Bake at 350F for about 10-12 minutes. Makes about 20 mini muffins.

*NOTE: credit for the recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Pumpkin Pucks

1 C pumpkin puree
1 C almond butter
1/4 C honey
2 Tbsp maple syrup
2 eggs
1/3 C almond flour
1 Tbsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
Optional: 1/3 cup mini chocolate chips or chopped nuts for decorating
With electric mixer or stand mixer, whip pumpkin and almond butter together until thoroughly combined

Add honey and syrup and beat in eggs one at a time

Add dry ingredients to wet and mix until just combined

Fill muffin cups 3/4 full in greased muffin tin (they will not rise but more would be too dense IMO)

Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, will be firm to the touch but a testing knife or stick will not come out clean

*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Creamy Coconut Chocolate Chip Macaroons

1 C coconut cream concentrate
2/3 C maple syrup
1 tsp coarse salt (a lot, the salt makes this)
2 C shredded coconut
1/2 C chocolate chips (optional – leave out if you’re not doing chocolate for AI protocol)

 In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the coconut cream concentrate, syrup and salt until well combined.

 Fold in the coconut and chocolate chips.
 Use a rounded table spoon to form 1″ balls and press flat onto a baking sheet.
Bake at 300 degrees for 25 minutes, until edges brown slightly; allow to cool for 10 minutes before removing from tray and shoveling in your mouth.

*NOTE: credit for recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Apple Cinnamon Cookies

2 large apples, peeled, cored and cut into eighths (I used Fuji apples)
2 cups blanched, slivered almonds
2 teaspoons coconut oil, melted
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
1 cup finely shredded unsweetened coconut
A pinch of Kosher salt
3 large eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat the oven to 350 F, gather the ingredients…

Grate the apples using the shredder disc on the food processor.

Measure out 2 cups of shredded apples…and put them aside.
Replace the shredding disc with the regular chopping blade, put almonds, cinnamon, coconut oil, and vanilla in the work bowl…

Pulse everything until they were coarsely ground.
Combine the apples, almonds, shredded coconut, and salt in a large bowl and stir to combine.

Add the eggs and mix everything evenly.

Use a disher to scoop out the dough and placed each dollop on a parchment lined cookie sheet.

Flatten them with our hands.

Put tray in the oven for about 25-30 minutes, rotating it at the halfway mark. 

Take the cookies out of the oven when they started turning brown around the edges.
Cool the cookies on a rack for about 20 minutes.

*NOTE: credit for the recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Apple Cinnamon Fruit Rolls Recipe

Fresh apples

8 cups of apple, peeled and diced;
1 cup water;
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice;
1 tbsp ground cinnamon;
Place the apples into a large saucepan over a medium-low heat. 

Add the water and cover. 

Allow it to simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. 

Stir a few times to make sure everything cooks consistently.
Pour the cooked apples into a blender and blend until smooth.
Pour the blended ingredients back into the pot, still over a medium-low temperature. Add the lemon juice and cinnamon. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
Spoon the mixture on to the appropriate dehydrator trays. Be sure to keep the mixture as level as possible for a consistent dehydration process. Dehydrate at 135 F for 10 to 12 hours, until the leather texture is achieved and when it peels off the trays easily.
If you don’t have a dehydrator, this process can be done in the oven. Preheat your oven to the lowest temperature. Anywhere between 135 and 170 is good. Cook for 8 to 12 hours, depending on the temperature of the oven.
Cut the fruit leather into evenly shaped rectangles and roll them up to make fruit rolls

*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Coconut Squares

Coconut Squares

3 eggs;
1 cup coconut milk;
1/3 cup coconut oil;
1/3 cup raw honey;
1 tbsp vanilla extract;
1/2 cup almond flour;
1 tbsp coconut flour;
1 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut;
1/4 tsp sea salt;
Preheat your oven to 350 F.

Using a stand or a hand mixer, combine the eggs, coconut milk, coconut oil, honey and vanilla extract.
Set your mixer to the lowest speed and slowly add the almond flour, followed by the coconut flour. Once mixed, add the shredded coconut. Continue mixing just until there is no clumping and the coconut mixture is 
consistent throughout.
Pour the mixture into an 8×8 baking dish and cook for 30 minutes, or until golden around edges.
Once through, remove from the oven and allow to completely cool. Cut into squares and keep them refrigerated until serving.

*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Coconut Oil Chocolates

1/2 cup Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil
1/4 cup Cocoa Powder (raw cocoa powder is preferred)
2 Tbsp Organic Raw Honey (or sweetener of choice: maple, yacon powder, stevia), adjust according to taste
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)

Optional Ingredients
2 Tbsp of maca powder (mix in with the honey)
1 tsp orange rind (mix into the chocolate)
seeds, nuts or dried fruit (sprinkle into the silicone trays)
1/4 cup dried coconut would be amazing… (mix into the chocolate)

Melt the coconut oil and add the honey. 

Whisk and add the cocoa powder. 

Whisk occasionally while pouring into a silicone ice cube tray or silicone mini muffin tray. 

Makes 12. Cool for 30 minutes in the fridge or freezer.

Note: Time varies depending on how hot the coconut oil was when you started. If the oil is only just reached its melting stage, these will set in as little as 15 minutes.

*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Paleo Coconut Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe

Coconut ice cream

1 can coconut milk, full-fat;
2 eggs or 4 egg yolks (yolks alone will give even more richness);
Seeds from 2 fresh vanilla beans or 4 tbsp real vanilla extract.

Possible flavoring options (add any or a combination of the fallowing flavorings)
1/2 cup of your favorite berries (chopped or blended to a puree);
1/2 cup coconut flakes;
1/4 cup finely chopped mint;
1/4 cup chopped nuts;
Lemon, lime or orange zest;
3 tbsp raw honey;
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips or flakes (you can take a high quality dark chocolate and chop it yourself to your liking).

Boil some water in a pot and reduce to a simmer.
Place a heat proof bowl over it in a double boiler fashion and pour the coconut milk in it. 

Put vanilla seeds or vanilla extract with the coconut milk and heat until hot, but make sure it doesn’t come to a boil. 

If using flavorings such as mint or dark chocolate, you can add them now. 

You can also add chocolate at the end of the process to keep the pieces whole.
Whisk the eggs of yolks in a separate bowl. 

Add one ladleful of the now hot coconut milk to the eggs while whisking quite vigorously. 

What you’re doing is tempering the eggs and slowly bringing the temperature up without cooking the eggs and risking that they scramble. 

Add two or three other ladlefuls of the coconut milk mixture and incorporate them to the eggs while whisking continuously.

Take the tempered eggs and whisk in the bowl where the rest of the coconut milk is on the double boiler.

Whisk for a couple of minutes non-stop to form a thick custard. Make sure it doesn’t get too hot and the simmering water doesn’t touch the bowl.

Once the custard is ready, remove from the heat source and let it cool on the counter or the refrigerator.

You can add any other flavoring you want to use once the custard is cold enough to put a finger in it and feel comfortable.
Let it cool even more in the refrigerator before freezing it.

Put in your ice cream maker and follow its instructions or put in a baking dish in the freezer and stir vigorously every 30 minutes for about 2 to 3 hours until it’s set.

Take it out of the freezer for about 10 minutes before enjoying so it softens a bit. 

Serve with added coconut milk, berries, mint, coconut flakes or any other flavoring you might like.

*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!



22g butter, room temperature
19g almond flour
3g coconut flour
11.5g raw egg, mixed well
0.5g baking powder
0.5g baking soda
1g cinnamon
Your choice of sweetener

Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.

Mix together all of the ingredients except the cinnamon. Make sure there are no lumps remaining from the coconut and almond flours.

If you used melted butter or your dough is too soft to roll, place it in the freezer for 5 minutes so it can firm back up.

Weigh the cinnamon and place it in a pile on a pice of parchment paper large enough to bake the cookies on.

Roll the cookie dough into small balls, about the size of a quarter. Place each ball on the cinnamon and use the parchment paper edges to roll the dough in the cinnamon. Repeat for all of the rolled balls.

Spread them apart on the parchment paper and slightly flatten each cookie. They will not spread much at all, so shape them as much as you want before baking.

Bake for about 7-10 minutes until they are cooked through.
*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Melt Away Cookies

Melt Aways

22g English walnuts, ground
11g unsweetened shredded coconut
7g coconut flour
7g coconut oil, melted
1g pure vanilla extract
20g of water (use as much as you need to moisten the mixture)
sweetener of your choice
pinch of salt

Mix all of the ingredients together until well combined. 

 Allow the batter to chill in the refrigerator until you are able to roll it with your hands. If you are using a powdered sweetener (like Truvia), reserve some from your calculated amount to roll the cookies in. You can eat these right away!

To bake these cookies, set them on a parchment lined baking sheet. 

Set your oven temperature as low as it will go, mine was 170 degrees. Bake for 1 hour to dry the outer layer of the cookie.

You could also press this batter into plastic candy molds and freeze it. Once they are frozen, you can pop them out and then bake them so they will be fun holiday shapes.

*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "
bake-option/" THANK YOU!

Coconut Bars

coconut bars recipe gluten-free

3 large eggs
1 cup coconut milk
⅓ cup coconut oil
⅓ cup honey
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
⅛ teaspoon stevia
½ cup blanched almond flour
1 tablespoon coconut flour
1 ½ cups unsweetened shredded coconut
¼ teaspoon celtic sea salt

Mix eggs, coconut milk, oil, honey, vanilla and stevia in a food processor

Pulse in almond flour, coconut flour, shredded coconut and salt
Transfer ingredients into an 8 x 8 inch baking dish
Bake at 350° for 30 minutes
Cool for ½ hour, then place in refrigerator and serve when chilled
*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Peppermint Patties

peppermint patties gluten free

½ cup coconut oil
¼ cup agave nectar or honey
½ teaspoon peppermint oil (I used organic)
½ to 1 cup chocolate drops

In a small bowl, combine coconut oil, agave and peppermint oil, mixing with a spoon

Smash clumps of coconut oil against side of bowl until mixture is smooth
Freeze mixture for a few minutes until it starts to harden, then remove from freezer
Use a 1.5 teaspoon ice cream scoop to measure out little balls onto a parchment paper lined plate
Place plate in freezer to firm up mint balls; when firm, remove from freezer
Squish balls down into flat little patties on parchment paper
Melt chocolate over very low heat; allow to cool slightly
Dip patties into melted chocolate (use spoon to drop patty into melted chocolate, dip and remove)
Place patties on parchment paper to harden (takes 10 minutes though on a summer day you may need to refreeze)

Makes about 12 patties
*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Paleo Coconut Macaroons

paleo coconut macaroons gluten-free dessert recipe

2 large egg whites
¼ cup honey
¼ teaspoon celtic sea salt
2 ½ cups coconut flakes

In a medium bowl, whisk together egg whites and honey with a fork

Briefly whisk in salt, then stir in coconut flakes
Place bowl in fridge to chill for ½ hour
Fill a 2 tablespoon scoop with batter, so it’s heaping full
Using your hand, firmly pack batter into scoop so it is level
Release batter onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet
Bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes, until macaroons are golden brown
Cool for 1 hour and serve

Yield 8
*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Mounds like Candy Bars

gluten free mounds bars recipe

¾ cup chocolate drops
½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
¼ cup coconut oil
1 tablespoon agave nectar or honey (if you want a sweeter filling, try 2 tablespoons)

Melt chocolate in a small pan over very low heat; you can use a double boiler if you wish and temper the chocolate

Using a small paint brush, coat the bottom and sides of a mounds candy mold
Place mold in freezer for 10 minutes to allow chocolate to harden
In a small bowl, combine shredded coconut, coconut oil and agave
Remove mold from freezer
Fill chocolate lined molds with coconut mixture
Paint chocolate over coconut mixture to cover bars
Place in freezer for 10 minutes to harden
Remove from freezer, turn mold upside down and pop mounds out of mold

Makes 9 mounds bars (depending on your candy mold)

*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Coconut Flour Pumpkin Cake with Honey Cream Cheese Frosting

1 c butter or ghee, melted, plus extra for greasing the pan
12 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1 1/3 c honey
1 c pumpkin puree
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 c coconut flour
1 c coconut milk


Melt the butter in a small saucepan and set aside. Grease a 9×13 pan. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Crack the eggs into the bowl of an electric mixer or into a large mixing bowl. 

Beat with your mixer or a wire whisk. 

Add in vanilla, honey, pumpkin, spices, salt, and baking soda. 

Mix until combined. Slowly add in the coconut flour, butter and coconut milk. 

Beat or whisk until there are no lumps. Pour batter into prepared baking dish. Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Let cool, then frost.

Honey Cream Cheese Frosting
16 oz cream cheese (or drained homemade yogurt)
1/2 c honey
2 tsp vanilla


Beat cream cheese, honey and vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer until fluffy. 

Spread on cooled cake.

*** credit for this recipe comes from "** THANK YOU!