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Homemade Coconut Flour

Coconut flour is lightly sweet and high in protein and fiber, but it creates very dense baked goods. According to natural foods expert and advocate Jenny McGruther, each cup of coconut flour will absorb as much liquid as 3 to 4 cups of wheat flour. Expect to add about six eggs and 1 cup of liquid for each cup of coconut flour you use. Beat and mix your batters thoroughly when using this kind of flour, as it tends to clump densely. Hillson suggests using no more than 15 percent coconut flour in your flour blend.

Because of its high fiber content and lack of gluten, you can't use coconut flour exactly the same way as regular flours. Coconut flour absorbs a lot of water and you will need to modify your recipes to make sure your end result is moist and tasty. Baked goods made with coconut flour also require more eggs to add the protein that is required to replace gluten and provide a structure for your cookies, muffins or cakes. Use recipes that are specially formulated for coconut flour to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Coconut flour is very dry. When cooking with it, you may need to use extra water. Pulsing small amounts of coconut meat at a time makes the process easier.

Coconut Flour Made from Fresh Coconut:
Fresh Coconut
Very Fine Strainer or Cheese Cloth
Blender/food processor

Open the Coconut

Drain the water, drink or discard

Remove meat from coconut

Rinse the Meat

Chop into pieces

Blend in blender with Water until it turns pasty

Strain the liquid from the pulp either by using different strainers or using a cheese cloth

Once the liquid is removed (which by the way is coconut milk) take the left over coconut and spread it on a cookie sheet

Bake in the oven at 170 degrees (or lowest setting on your oven) for 40-45 mins, make sure you keep checking so that you don't bake your flour.

Wait until completely cooled

Put coconut into food processor and blend until a fine powder

Coconut Flour made from Coconut Flakes:
1 Cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
4 cups of water

Soak 1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes in 4 cups water for several hours.

Transfer the coconut and water mixture to a food processor and process until smooth.
Strain the mixture through a cheesecloth; squeeze to get out the most liquid. This liquid is your coconut milk. 

Transfer the liquid to a container and refrigerate.

Spread the pulp from the cheesecloth onto a baking sheet.

In a 200-degree oven, bake the pulp until dry. (could take hours)

Grind the dried pulp until you have a fine powder texture.

Coconut Flour made from Coconut Flakes: (Alternate Recipe)
1 1/2 Cup Unsweetened Shredded Coconut flakes
2 1/2 Cup Water, Boiled

Place the coconut flakes in your blender. Pour the hot, boiling water on top of the coconut flakes.

Blend on high for about five minutes.

Pour the coconut and water mixture through a nut milk bag (or layer cheesecloth -- or even a clean dishcloth -- over a strainer) and into a large bowl. (Tip: If using a nut milk bag while the mixture is still hot, use barbecue or salad tongs to gently squeeze out the milk.)

Bake in the oven at 170 degrees (or lowest setting on your oven) for 40-45 mins, make sure you keep checking so that you don't bake your flour.

Wait until completely cooled

Put coconut into food processor and blend until a fine powder