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Each Number on the "Blog Archive" Section of the blog represents a type of recipe category.








Dandelion Chips

dandelion greens

Wash, dry and break dandelion greens into large pieces. Discard any thick ribs.

Drizzle a bit of Olive oil on the greens and toss with your hands to lightly coat all the leaves.
Place in a single layer onto a baking sheet. Bake at 350F for about 8-12 minutes. Keep an eye on them so not to burn.

Remove pan from the oven, sprinkle the leaves with seasonings (I used Sea Salt) and allow to cool. 

*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Roasted Rosemary Almonds

2 cups skin-on whole raw almonds
2 tablespoons dried rosemary
2 teaspoons Kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly-ground pepper
1 tablespoon butter
Melt the butter in large skillet over medium-low heat.
Once the butter starts bubbling, throw in the almonds (making sure they’re in a single layer) and stir until coated.

Add rosemary, salt, and pepper.

Toast the almonds in the skillet, stirring often, until slightly darkened and aromatic (about 8 to 12 minutes).
Remove almonds and place on paper towel until cooled to room temperature.

*NOTE: credit for the recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Kale chips recipe

Kale chips
1 big bunch kale;
2 tbsp cooking fat, melted;
1 tbsp lemon juice;
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Preheat your oven to 300 F.

Wash the kale thoroughly under lukewarm water, drain and pat it dry.
Cut the stems off of the kale leaves and cut the leaves to obtain chips of similar size.
Place the kale in a bowl and massage the melted cooking fat into them.
Season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add the lemon juice and combine well.
Place the kale in a single layer on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven for about 35 minutes, until 

Check on the chips about every 12 minutes and toss them to make sure none of them overcook. Some parts will still be soft and this is desired.

Sprinkle with extra sea salt if desired and enjoy.

*NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!

Zesty Cheddar Wafers

[Image: zesty_cheddar_wafers.jpg]
8 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, shredded, at room temperature *
3/4 cup almond flour, about 3 ounces
1/4-1/2 teaspoon salt or other seasoning
1 pinch or up to 1/8 teaspoon cayenne, optional

Put all of the ingredients in a food processor with the chopping blade in place.
Process a minute or two until the mixture looks like Play-Doh that is just starting to dry out. It will look slightly crumbly, but if you can take a piece and roll it into a smooth ball with your hands, it's ready. 

Dump the dough out onto a large cutting board or work surface. 

Gather it up with your hands to make a smooth ball of dough that looks like orange Play-Doh. 

Divide the ball evenly in half, then divided each half in half again and so on until you have 16 pieces of dough.

Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone liners. 

Take each piece of dough and break it into three even little pieces of dough and place on baking sheets 6 across and 4 down. 

Roll each piece of dough into a ball and place back on sheet. 

Cover the balls with plastic wrap (you can use a small piece and move it around as needed) and take a baking powder can, that has about an 1/8" rim around the bottom, and press down firmly over each ball of dough. Be sure to press all the way down to the baking sheet. Peel off the plastic wrap and repeat until all the wafers have been shaped.

Bake at 300ยบ about 15-20 minutes or until lightly browned, checking frequently after 15 minutes. If it seems like they've been in the oven long enough, yet are not very browned, they should at least feel crisp and hard when you tap them with your fingernail. If there is any give in the center, they are not done yet unless they are browned. Carefully remove them from baking sheet and cool completely on a rack. Store at room temperature in an airtight container.

Makes 48 wafers
Can be frozen

* Pre-shredded cheese will not work in this recipe. Also, make sure that your cheese is not cold at all before making the dough.

Per 4 Wafers: 117 Calories; 10g Fat; 6g Protein; 2g Carbohydrate; 1g Dietary Fiber; 1g Net Carb
Per 8 Wafers: 235 Calories; 20g Fat; 13g Protein; 3g Carbohydrate; 1.5g Dietary Fiber; 1.5g Net Carbs

Chili Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

spicy chili roasted toasted pumpkin seeds recipe

1 cup pumpkin seeds
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 tablespoon chili powder (this is a lot, feel free to adjust to your taste)
1 teaspoon celtic sea salt (adjust to your taste, I like things salty)

Place pumpkin seeds in a large cast iron skillet over medium heat

Stir frequently, for 3-5 minutes, until seeds make a crackling noise, some will even pop
Remove pan from heat and stir in olive oil, then chili powder and salt
Cool and serve

* NOTE: credit for this recipe goes to "" THANK YOU!